
Rhinoplasty, Nose Cosmetic Surgery

Rhinoplasty, Nose Cosmetic Surgery

Rhinoplasty is the cosmetic surgery of the nose and it is usually done to those born with a deformed nose, or those who have had a past traumatic injury to the nose, as well as fixing any septal deviations leading to airway blockage.
Reasons to undergo rhinoplasty
Nose size out of proportion to the face
Wide nose
A nasal dorsum that is too high or too low
A nasal tip that is too high or too low
Asymmetry of the nose of septal deviation

Do I need a rhinoplasty?

Visiting a plastic surgeon is the first step before taking any decision to undergo surgery. During the consultation, the doctor discusses the goals and expectations of the surgery with the patient, keeping into account the possibility of achieving these results.

What are the expected results of the surgery?

The cosmetic improvement in the nose is highly dependable on the bony and cartilaginous skeleton of the nose, as well the skin overlying the nose. The main goal of the rhinoplasty is to achieve a better looking nose that is proportionate to the rest of the face. It is expected that the nose and the surrounding area would be swelled and that would hide the final results of the surgery.

Is there any visible scar after the surgery?

The scar is usually hidden inside the nose in some rhinoplasties, but there are many rhinoplasties with a small scar in the skin under the nose where it is hard to see it.

Do I need to be admitted in a hospital to undergo a rhinoplasty?

Most rhinoplasties are 1 day surgeries without the need for admission. However, there are some cases which require admission, and this is highly dependable on the general health of the patient and the expected surgical time.

Are there any side effects or complications after the surgery?

Most patients can resume their normal life after two weeks of the surgery. There will be expected bruises around the eyes, which resolve quickly, but the swelling might take around two to three months to resolve. The final result of the rhinoplasty might be complete after three to four months after the surgery. Complications like bleeding, infection, or abnormal scars are rare.

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