
Ear Plastic Surgery Otoplasty

Ear Plastic Surgery Otoplasty

The only treatment for ears pointing outwards (also known as cauliflower ears) is a surgical procedure on the ears. The surgical procedure returns the ears to the normal position closer to the head. This surgery is important especially in children since it increases their self-esteem and the best time for surgery would be between 6-7 years or when the ears reach 90% of the adolescent size.

How is the surgery done?

The plastic surgeon makes an incision in the rear side of the ear at the crease between the ear and the head, then he takes out a piece of cartilage and then shapes the ear into the new position using special sutures. The incision is then closed using sutures and pressure garments is applied to keep the new position of the ears as the wound heals in around one week. Pressure garments might be prolonged up to two weeks with less pressure. There might be little swelling around the ears but it resolved in a few days.

How long do the results last?

The results of a successful otoplasty is lifelong.

What are the risks of the surgery?

There is no surgery without risks even if its very rare and minute, otoplasty is one of these surgeries with rare complications. Inflammation after the surgery or scars are rare complications and are discussed with the patient before the procedure.

Are there any other ways to treat cauliflower ears?


What should I expect from the surgery?

You should expect the ears to be closer to the normal shape giving you a better looking appearance. You should not expect 100% symmetry but a good will make it look as naturally as possible.

What is the recovery period of an otoplasty?

Pressure garments would be applied for 7-10 days after the surgery. Sutures can be removed 1 week after the surgery. Any pain could be handled with over the counter pain killers. Most people could go on with their normal lives after five days of the surgery, children might need up to a week to rerurn to school to prevent any trauma that could damage the surgery results.

Benefits of an Otoplasty:

Easy surgery
Can be done on children and adults
Increases self-esteem
Eliminating hurtful comments on the shape of the ears

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